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Thanks for a great year!

Hello GRNA Members,

With our membership year coming to an end on March 31st, I want to emphasize how much of an honor it has been to serve as your Chair. We made great strides this year as we pushed through the challenges that permeated from the pandemic, including hosting several successful mini-conferences that offered a total of 11 CEUs via Zoom. In addition, our membership has continued to grow.


We successfully became a brand new nonprofit organization, the Georgia Renal Nutrition Association (GRNA). A huge thank you is in order to all of our dedicated members who took the time to respond to our questionnaires and surveys. You helped us navigate the challenges we were facing with the new rules and regulations of our former group, GCRN-NKF. Your feedback helped in leading us to the decisions we made as your Board in the formation of our new nonprofit.


As an independent nonprofit organization (GRNA), we are now able to better serve you in terms of ensuring our membership cost remains affordable, maximize the availability of CEUs provided, and most importantly ensure that as a group we continue to have valuable networking opportunities which meet our needs.


Please mark your calendars for May 11-12th, as we are so excited to host our annual conference this year in-person at the Ike Owings Community Center in Douglasville, GA. We will offer 11-13 CEUs with a long list of knowledgeable speakers and pertinent agenda topics that you won’t want to miss!


Last, but not least, I’d like to thank the 2022-2023 Board members, in particular Christine, Rob, Scott, Nadia, Patti and Ruba, who volunteered their time to meet, brainstorm and worked relentlessly to make GRNA possible. Without you, all of this would not have been attainable. I am truly grateful for your support.


Always remember, “Together we can do great things.”


Gillian Harriott, MS, RD, LD

Chair 2022-2023




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© 2024 Georgia Renal Nutrition Association Inc. All Rights Reserved. Georgia Renal Nutrition Association is a nonprofit 501(c)(3). EIN 92-1581858.

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